Rosdiana World

November 27, 2009

Question form Bronowski’s Book

Filed under: Philosophy of Science — rosdianasidik @ 11:08 am

NAME                   : ROSDIANA

CLASS                    : I.B


LECTURER            : Prof. Dr. Hadjid Harnawidagda, M.Pd


I. Make 4 questions based on Bronowski’s book “The ascent of man – Lowe than angel”  page 38 until 41


  1. Who dignified name of Proconsul, what was story behind him that brought to London Zoo, how can we describe him?


Answer:  A classical find made by Louis Leakey goes by dignified name Proconsul, and there was at least one other widespread genus, Dryopitheus.  (The name Proconsul is a piece of anthropological. It was coined to suggest that he was an ancestor of famous chimpanzee at the London Zoo in 1931 whose nickname was Consul). The brain is markedly larger than eyes are now fully forward in stereoscopic vision. These developments tell us how the main ape – and – man line was moving.

  1. Are there a blank fossil record? Why?


Answer:  There is now a blank fossil record of five to ten million years. Inevitably, the blank hides the most intriguing part of the story, when the hominid line to man is firmly separated from the line to the modern apes. But, we have found no unequivocal record of that, yet. Then, perhaps five million years ago, we can certainly to relatives of man.

  1. Please describe what was happen with Australopithecus?


Answer:  A cousin of man, not in direct line to us is Australopithecus who was vegetarian. Australopithecus robustus is man like and his line does not load elsewhere; it has simply become extinct. There is missing link between him and human.


  1. What changes of Homo erectus? What happened with him?


Answer: The changes of Homo erectus that have led to us are substantial over a million years, but they seem gradual by comparison with those that went before. The success of that we know best was first found in Germany in last century another classic fossil skull, he is Neanderthal man. He already has tree – pound brain, as large as modern man. Probably some lines of Neanderthal man died out; but it seems likely that a line in the Middle East went on directly to us, Homo Sapiens.


  1. II. Glossary  of words
Anthropoid apes: Homo erectus:
Proconsul: Classic fossil skull:
Widespread genus: Neanderthal man:
Anthropological: Homo sapiens:
Ancestor: Biologically:
Chimpanzee: Culturally:
Stereoscopic vision: Peking man:
Ape – and – man line: Stine choppers:
Ramapithecus: Isolated phenomenon:
Fossil record: Content of evolution:


Australopithecus robustus:




Big ape:




Manor invention:


Inferential evidence:


Fundamental invention:


Environment imposes:




The primates:




Cultural evolution:






November 20, 2009

So slow loading here

Filed under: others — rosdianasidik @ 8:27 am

so slow here, now I am sitting in front of computer of my magister campus, the place that I study here. the computer very slow in its loading. Huaaaaaaa so pity is’n it?

October 2, 2009

Today activities

Filed under: others — rosdianasidik @ 7:03 am

so happy at my class now, with all my friend at S2 degree.

September 18, 2009

Pertama Kali : Pecahan Asteroid Ditemukan

Filed under: others, Uncategorized — rosdianasidik @ 2:11 pm

Pecahan dari asteroid yang diikuti saat jatuh ke bumi untuk pertama kalinya berhasil ditemukan oleh para ilmuwan.

Sebuah laporan di jurnal sains, Nature, mengatakan sekitar 50 potongan dari asteroid dikumpulkan di Sudan, tempat jatuhnya asteroid itu Bulan Oktober tahun lalu.

Para ilmuwan mengatakan temuan tersebut menawarkan kesempatan yang unik untuk mempelajari rute perjalanan asteroid dan kandungan kimia di dalamnya.

Selain itu ilmuwan juga mengharapkan dengan meneliti pecahan asteroid yang ditemukan maka bisa diatasi jatuhnya asteroid yang lebih besar ke bumi di masa depan.

Asteroid seukuran mobil, yang dikenal dengan nama 2008 TC3, dideteksi oleh para astronom di negara bagian Arizona, Amerika Serikat, Oktober tahun lalu.

Dengan menggunakan teleskop, asteroid itu kemudian diikuti perjalanannya saat berkeliling sampai pecah berkeping-keping di atmosfir bumi di atas gurun Nubian di Sudan.

Tergolong muda

Peter Jennisken –salah seorang penulis dalam laporan di jurnal Nature itu– dan ilmuwan dari Seti Institute di California, kemudian pergi ke Sudan bersama satu tim peneliti untuk mencoba menemukan lokasi jatuhnya pecahan asteroid itu.

Dan upaya pencarian yang seksama berhasil menemukan 47 pecahan meteroit untuk diteliti.

“Asteroid ini terbuat dari bahan yang cepat pecah yang menyebabkannya meledak pada ketinggian 37 kilimeter, sebelum jatuh dengan jauh lebih pelan,” kata Jennisken.

“Ini adalah meteroit yang belum ada dalam koleksi kami, materi yang benar-benar baru,” tambahnya.

Penulis lain laporan itu, Douglas Rumble dari Carnegie Institution, mengatakan sebelumnya banyak meteroit yang sduah diamati saat terbakar ketika memasuki atmosfir bumi.

Ketika meteroit jatuh ke bumi untuk diselidki, peneliti biasanya jarang sekali mendapat informasi tentang dari mana asteroid itu dan apa jenisnya.

Sementara dalam kasus 2008 TC3 ini sudah diketahui merupakan jenis meteroit yang relatif jarang yang disebut dengan urilites –yang mungkin berasal dari satu unit tubuh.

Setelah mempelajari pecahan 2008 TC3 di Sudan, para ilmuwan berpendapat asteroid itu masih relatih muda karena baru menghabiskan beberapa juta tahun saja di sistem tata surya.

September 12, 2009

Hello world!

Filed under: Uncategorized — rosdianasidik @ 5:35 pm

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